
South Asia


Frampton, Kenneth.(1893).,"World Architecture: A Critical Mosaic 1900 - 2000: South Asia". Princeton Architectural Press.

Menon, Ritu: Bhasin, Kamla.(1994).," Against all odds: essays on women, religion and development from India and Pakistan". Kali for Women.

Powell, Robert.(1998).,"The Urban Asian House - Living In Tropical Cities". Thames & Hudson.

Tzonis, Alexander.(2001).,"Tropical Architecture: Critical Regionalism In The Age Of Globalization". John Wiley & Sons.

Ameen, Farooq.(2002).,"Contemporary Architecture And City Form: The South Asian Paradigm". The Marg Foundation.

Scriver, Peter.(2007).,"Colonial Modernities: Building, Dwelling And Architecture In British India And Ceylon". Routledge.

Lim, William Siew Wai.(2007).,"Asian Alterity: With Special Reference To Architecture And Urbanism Through The Lens Of Cultural Studies". World Scientific Publishing Co Ptd Ltd.

Srinivas, Smriti.(2016).,"A Place For Utopia: Urban Designs From South Asia". University of Washington Press.

Guha, Ramachandra.(2016).,"Makers Of Modern Asia". Harvard University Press.

Goad, Philip.(2018).,"New Directions In Tropical Asian Architecture". Tuttle Publishing.

Ray, Sugata. Maddipati, Venugopal.(2019).,"Water Histories of South Asia".Routledge.

Amrith, Sunil.(2020).,"Unruly Waters: How Mountain Rivers and Monsoons Have Shaped South Asia's History".Penguin.

Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA).(2022).,"Pop South Asia: artistic explorations in the popular".Sharjah Art Foundation.

Kishnani,Nirmal.(2019).,"Ecopuncture: Transforming Architecture and Urbanism in Asia".BCI Asia.  

Singh, Parismita.(2023).,"Peace has come".Westland Books. 

Bremner, Lindsay.(2022).,"Monsoon as method: assembling monsoonal multiplicities".ACTAR. 

Journal Articles / Research Papers

Anderson, Benedict. 1983. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.Mumbai: Rawat publications.

Appadurai, Arjun. 2000. Grassroots Globalisation and the Research Imagination. Duke University Press.

Arif, Aminah Mohammed. 2014. “Introduction, Imaginations and Constructions of South Asia: An Enchanting Abstraction?” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal.

Arora, Vanicka. n.d. “Jeypore Portfolio, Revival of Traditional Building Crafts.” Asif Ishtiaque, Milan Shrestha, Netra Chettri. 2017.

Benjamin, Solomon. 2008. “Occupancy Urbanism: Radicalizing Politics and Economy beyond Policy and Programs.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 720 -729.

Brown, Percy. 1900. Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Period). Read Books.

2002. Contemporary Architecture and City Form: The South Asian Paradigm. Mumbai: The Marg Foundation.

Fletcher, Banister. 1901. A History of Architecture. CBS.

Cuppers, Christoph. 2019. Sacred Garden of Lumbini. UNESCO.

Frampton, Kenneth. 1991. “Reflections on the autonomy of architecture: A critique of contemporary production.” Out of Site: A social criticism of Architecture 17-26.

Frampton, Kenneth. 1998. “Towards a Critical Regionalism.” In The Anti- Aesthetic : Essays on Postmodern Culture, by Hal Foster, 17-34. New York: New Press.

Hinells, John R. 1989. “BOMBAY PARSI PANCHAYAT.” Encyclopedia Iranica. 15 December. “Historical Perspective.” Shodhganga.

Jacob, Samuel Swinton. 2017. Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details. Studio Orientalia.

Jones, Paul. 2009. “Putting Architecture in its Social Place : A cultural political economy of Architecture.” Urban Studies: Vol. 46, No. 12, Special Issue: Regulating Design: The Practices of Architecture, Governace and Control 2519-2536.

Kanki, Mitsuo Takada and Kiyoko. 2017. Spatial structure of a courtyard style settlement originating from a Buddhist Monastery: A study of cooperative space management. Kyoto: Japan Architecture Review.

Kleinman, Kent. 2001. “Archiving/Architecture.” Archival Science 321-332.

Kreutzman, Neils Gutschow and Hermann. 2002. Urbanisation requires brick production. Erdkunde. Lefebvre, Henri. 1991. The Production of Space. Harvard Press.

Lim, William S W. 2008. Asian Alterity: With Social Reference to Architecture + Urbanism through the lens of Cultural Studies. London: World Scientific Publishing.

Massey, D. 1994. Space, Place and Gender. Minneapolis: Polity Press.

McDaniel, Justin Thomas. 2017. “Monuments and Metabolism : Kenzo Tange and the Attempts to Bring New Architecture to Buddhism’s Oldest Site.” In Architects of Buddhist Leisure: Socially Disengaged Buddhism in Asia’s Museums, Monuments, and Amusement Parks, by Justin Thomas McDaniel. University Press Scholarship.

Mckean, John. n.d. “Sir Banister Fletcher: pillar to post colonial readings.” The Journal of Architecture 18.

Peter Scriver, Vikramaditya Prakash. 2007. Colonial Modernities: Building, dwelling and architecture in British India and Ceylon. New York: Routledge. Rabi Thapa. 2016. Thamel : Dark Star of Kathmandu. Kathmandu : Speaking Tiger.

Ravichandran, K T. 1987. “Buildings in India are not built by an architect but a wide range of designers.” Architectural Review.

Roy, Ananya. 2009. “The 21st-Century Metropolis: New Geographies of Theory.” Regional Studies - Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.

Said, Edward. 1978. Orientalism. Pantheon books. Shah, Biresh. 2009. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF INCREMENTAL HOUSING CONSTRUCTION. Sharma, Gopi Nath. 1990. The Impact of Education During the Rana Period. Himalaya, the journal for he Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies. Shimkhada, Deepak. 2011. NEPAL : Nostalgia and Modernity. Mumbai: Marg.

Soja, Edward. 2002. “In TransUrbanism.” V2 Publishing/NAI Publishers.

Southhall, Alden. 1998. The city in time and space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Srinivas, Smriti. 2015. A Place for Utopia: Urban Designs from South Asia. Washington: University of Washington Press.

Titzmann, Parul Bhandari and Fritzi-Marie. 2017. Introduction: Family Realities in South Asia: Adaptations and Resilience. SAMAJ.

Toffin, Gerard. 1981. Man and his House in the Himalayas. Paris: CNRS.

Dharia Vinit. Gupte Rupali. 2018. South Asian Architecture and Urbanism. School of Environment and Architecture, Mumbai. India.


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